Originally Posted by Augustus
Yeah, ZMan & kenchan, that's what I was wondering.
Like if there was sort of an optimal guideline for a normal speed, low-impact, standard start. I realize that every situation is a little different; desired 'launch' speed, uphill/downhill start, ambient temps, traffic conditions, vehicle loading, whether there's a hottie in the lane next to you, etc.
So engaging the clutch at 1,200 -1,500 RPM, do you allow the RPM's to fall a bit as the clutch engages and the car begins moving? Or do you modulate the throttle to keep the RPM's steady as you fully engage the clutch? Tough question, I realize.
With my near-bog technique/habit, I'm modulating the throttle to keep it around 1k, as I've got to to keep it from stalling.
yep, rpm falls a little bit while engaging. i dont modulate the throttle and engage the clutch linearly if just a regular start. if over bumps, crawling, over r/r crossing, uphill, etc i modulate a little bit case by case.