Originally Posted by Colbizle
Blade can you provide some insight here?! (Or anyone that has done this install with the ijdmtoy LEDS (not greddy!) I would really really appreciate it!
OK so I just tried installing the ijdmtoy Audi A5 R8 Style LED Strip Lights last night... Either both LED strips are bad (doubtful) or I suck (probably true.)
So I tapped into the green parking light like most people on the forum said to do. I did this by pulling out the parking light bulb, removing the electrical tape to expose the green wire, then I stripped the green wire a little and then I wrapped the (red looking) wire from the LED strip to the exposed green wire and then I wrapped the dark (grayish) looking wire to a ground or bolt. I turned on the lights and nothing!
I'm confused about the two wires. Are they both for power? Is one for ground and the other for power? Which wire is which based on color?!
Please help! lol it's driving me nuts. 
All credit goes to all those here on the Forum before me...
But if I recall correctly, I used a simple 9v battery to test the leads prior to installation to correctly mark which was POS & NEG. You've probably just got them switched around.
Also, the LED parking lights will install 2 different ways, but they also have only one correct fitment. If they don't light, then rotate the bulb 180* and re-install.