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Old 02-21-2012, 09:17 AM   #237 (permalink)
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This one got me early this morning. As another poster had happen, I was dropping my step-daughter off at school. Came back out to start the car up, and no go.

I have noticed over the last several weeks (or more) the steering lock solenoid sounded more and more lethargic. In the beginning, it was quick... lately, it was obviously taking longer and longer to pull back the pin. Slower, lower-frequency growl when the pin retracted.

Anyway, it's at the dealership now getting looked at, and I let them know to check out the IPDM and steering column solenoid unit first.

Mine is a January 2010 roadster with around 4k past the warranty period. I'm hoping Nissan steps up on this one and covers the bill.

I had my top replaced just a few weeks ago... seems Nissan didn't do as good a job at cleaning off the flashing on the metals bars as they should have. After two years of putting the top up/down, the flashing slowly wore holes in either side of the top. It's a bit of a pain, but as long as they're willing to step up and fix it on their tab, I really can't complain.
2000 S2000 Brickyard Red Metallic w/ Romanesque Crimson Kandy, custom everything else
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