Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Mustang has a way of subtle trolling and people jumping on the bandwagon. Meanwhile they are not reading everything. They are just looking to argue and insult.
I thought about it... I'm going to keep my Z. I'll just mod as planned. When I'm done paying this one I will get either a used EVO or GT-R next. If the next gen Z goes turbo I won't trade. Ill will just buy another too Z.
Haha, I don't troll anyone. I'll admit when I'm wrong and it appears that I missed the early payoff part. So if your loan structure allows the longer term to come out cheaper as long as you pay it in half the time, more power to you.
You know what happens when someone is too stubborn to admit they're wrong... I think we've dealt with that before
. I certainly won't do anything like that... if I'm wrong I will admit it openly.
And bandwagon? You are talking out of your ***.