$272 per six month 100/300/50 with a mil rider. Mercury Insurance... Progressive / Allstate were too expensive this time around. I had Mercury for years until their rate went up.... Went to Allstate for over 15 years. Now I'm back with Mercury. You have to shop the rates. But, make sure by checking with Consumer Reports that they pay out in an accident. Allstate just called me on Friday and said they think they can beat the rates I'm getting now. Too bad they could do that a year ago and save me a lot of time switching away.
I guess I'll let them quote again.... I hate insurance companies. State Farm we'll that's another story.
$500 ded / $100 comp / unisured motorist / multicar discount/ good driver/ homeowner discount and continuity discounts.
What I thought was amazing though is that my Motorhome which cost three times as much as my Z car only cost $350 a YEAR to insure with the same coverage and I drive it more.
BTW- The comment about 80 year olds having cheap insurance.... We'll lets just say my Dad insurance keeps going up... He's in that range. No tickets no accidents and been with same company for 50 years plus.
Last edited by Mecinoid; 02-20-2012 at 05:25 AM.