Originally Posted by Jasonle
Does anyone else feel awkward driving your Z into a parking lot not knowing theres another car meet there until you get in there? Bunch of Evo's was in the lot and everyone was standing around there cars..when I was trying to find a parking spot..everyone just stopped what they were doing and stared. My wife wanted me to drive around them..but I went the other way. I dont know maybe its just me. I should of just got out and said  oh wells.
happends to me almost every night. I'll pick the girlfriend up from work and she will want tim hortons before we head home. Theres always a bunch of cars parked there, usally subbie's or some other riced out cars.
Originally Posted by sfearl1
As a former Evo X owner, I can speak from experience that they were all jealous of the sexiness of your car.
umm no...lol. As a former Z owner, i find my X alot better then my Z..lol.