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Old 02-19-2012, 02:36 AM   #14 (permalink)
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I literally had this exact same question about a year ago when I was thinking about purchasing a 370z. I thought maybe I could drive it the snow but luckily for me It worked out where I had kept my other car as a winter beater (and it was a beater) and I drove that most of winter .

To answer your question can you drive the z in snow?:

On stock tires, absolutely not. I learned this first hand. This car will not go anywhere on snow or even light ice on stock tires. Do not do this... Extremely dangerous.

If you buy snow tires, yes, I just purchased a set of used blizzaks tires for my Z and I just drove about 2-3 inches of snow just fine. Now for anything like a foot or more I'm not sure because it has not snowed that much here yet.. But yes with the correct tires you can.
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