Originally Posted by LOU@AMPLIFIED
Yes you do. They are basically the same set up as the OE. Just added better shocks with dampening adjustment capabilities and progressive springs with adjustable purch for height adjustability.
I know the OE 370z suspension is already great out of the box, but impovement on top notch suspension upgrades like KW, JIC etc.. only improves the suspension for better handling without sacrificing daily driving comfort.
Dean, have your KW'S settled? when are you coming in for your free height adjustment 
Dunno if it's settled yet or not. But I figure I should come in for the camber arms and alignment pretty soon before I destroy my tires. Please PM me the price for alignment and camber arms.
I also have to figure out when I can get a ride back from there. Its gotta be a thursday/friday, but this is probably when your shop is completely filled. I dunno, let me know what works for you Lou.