Thread: New 370Z owner
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:39 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Drives: 09 370Z Blk sport 6T
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Originally Posted by mspeasl View Post
When purchasing a Nissan Product you must understand one thing. They make neat cars, but their paint jobs $uck................... The first thing a new Nissan owner must do is cover the front half of the body with a "Clear Bra"!!!!!!!!!!! That takes care of the problem. It's a shame, but true. After doing that you won't have anymore major complaints.
Thanks for the tip on the clear bra because I was unaware they had such a thing.If you would please give me any info on where to purchase the clear bra I would appreciate that.Thanks!
I was kind of teed off some yesterday when I wrote my first article about the car.I garage keep and take care of my cars and have always had black cars so I do realize they require much care to keep nice.It just seems no matter what I do the clear coat is easily stained and it don't take but a bug or bird droppings.They don't have to be on the clear coat but a short time and it just is nothing like I ever experienced before with a black car.So that kind of disappoints me with what these cars cost.
Anyway I guess I should have done more research before purchase as someone mentioned on a previous post.
Other then that problem we love the car.Actually bought it for the wife and she is very happy with it.Naturally I have to take care of it for her so the extra care being as the paint is terrible is just aggravation.
Thanks for the advice and enjoy your Z!
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