I'm finally getting the entire exhaust put on this weekend, so I'm really excited. I had to fight with the Wife to let me put it on. Tonight I'm heading up to Force Fed Tuning on Arville here in Las Vegas to get a baseline done. It's a dynojet, so I'm excited to see some results. She just got rained on so I'm gonna get her cleaned up before her big hour lol. BTW, my Z doesn't have a name, I just refer to it as a female. Any ideas? She's magnetic black... just like my Wife, only I get to drive her whenever I want. She did scare me the other day. I was merging lanes at 60mph and had TCS off. I had it in 3rd and romped it. The car broke loose and swerved into the lane I was intending on moving into. Luckily I didn't hit anyone, but I looked like a complete jackass. Anyways, I'll post up results and hopefully a video.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction

Last edited by SS_Firehawk; 02-16-2012 at 04:49 PM.
Reason: grammatical error