Originally Posted by LakeShow
Nissan hasn't recently stepped up their game and started to build quality cars with quality materials. I would say prior to 07 Nissan cars were very cheap and hard plastics. Now you step in a Maxima, a Murano, of course the Z you can feel quality materials. And from there the cars have become more reliable as they were known for many engine and mechanical issues.
Prior to 07, only Honda had quality interiors in a non premium brand. Lol. Everybody sucked. It wasn't until the refreshed G35x was being called as great a handler as BMW that nissan decided to take quality more seriously. It was said the G35x had comparable handling but a way inferior interior like the whole nissan line. Maxima was the only model with a nice interior. When nissan did it and sales began increasing. Everone else jumped on the wagon. But honda was the only one for years that had quality interiors since the early 90's throughout the lineup. Minus a base civic in those days.