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Old 02-13-2012, 07:54 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Mike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to beholdMike@GTM is a splendid one to behold

Originally Posted by Vince@R/T View Post
Have you guys test fitted one yet? I would confirm fitment before selling them as replacements. I am running GTX2863 on our HR motor with your manifolds and I had to modify the left side motor mount bracket pretty decently to get the front compressor housing to clear. I am however using T25 Plus vband exhaust housings, not the internally gated 5 bolts so it might change the location slightly.
Hmmm...well, we fit a pair of GT35R's without modifying the engine mounts on either the HR or VHR and the 35R is a much bigger turbo altogether. Granted we have our own custom turbine housing, but the 35r's compressor housing is way bigger than the GT28's. What part of the compressor housing was interfering on your project? Did you clock the turbo before trying to fit it?

After going back and forth with a Garrett engineer, he assured me that the external dimensions of the GTX2863R compressor housing isn't any different than the regular GT2860RS. Given that information, it would be pretty safe to say that it would fit, which is why I am asking about the clocking of the turbo on your project.

Originally Posted by Nixlimited View Post
Wait, I was just thinking, where are the cats going to be on this setup? Post-turbo and aftermarket? Is CARB known for approving kits with aftermarket cats?
Our Turn-Key turbo kit uses an adapter to go between the turbine outlet and the stock cat as it always has. Nothing needs to change there.

Originally Posted by TheJumpOff View Post
Do you guys have specific's on what else has changed from your existing TT kit to the CARB legal kit that is in development other than the turbo being used?

For those of us who have your first TT kit, would swapping just the turbo make our kits CARB legal now? Basically, what else is needed to make the non CARB legal kits CARB legal? Very interested in this.
There's a couple other minor changes that will probably need to be made. We'll make the necessary changes as we go along. I'll have to look into the possibility of a "CARB conversion kit". Just bear in mind that we're at their mercy to some degree.
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