Originally Posted by sexZness
like i said before, the S looks clean  love it
Originally Posted by Pharmacist
are they coming overnight on a plane from japan?
as for diff fluid, why not use redline75w90?

I really should overnight something from Japan.
I like Redline stuff. I just need to look into it some more and see what most people are using.
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
What Steve is trying to say is that he was in the ghettos of Philly. Every big city has them and it's not a place you want to be if you absolutely don't have to.
Cars look great Steve, can't wait to see the s2k and person and get a ride in one. I've never driven/rode in one before.
Originally Posted by haggomyeggo
Good looking car Steve.
My buddies bro has one silver though. He just got some gold enkeis for it.
I've always loved the s2k just never worked out to get one...
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Well looks like you'll be getting a 5.0 next and an s2k after that 
Originally Posted by haggomyeggo
I know right. Steve is buying cars faster than I can buy them after him...
Step it up, Andrew!