Originally Posted by alcheng
Would be interesting to see a VTEC logo on the NISSAN engine cover, LOL.
Regarding the VTEC VDC, I would suggest it is wise to leave it on, you never know what's on the road surface and sometimes it requires more to correct the car than just counter-steer + gas-pedal (from personal experience).
Who knows why did conor1123's dad turn off the VDC, maybe he was like some of us, thinking "Who the heck need VDC, I can counter steer....."
No offense to OP but just saying.
Who knows? 
He underestimated how much the VDC actually keeps the car under control and it ended up biting his *** lol.
After all, i'm the one on the forums all day and I learn more and more about my car and what it can do everyday, he doesn't! :P