I can appreciate the thought of dropping an OVER PRICED factory extended warranty. I can also think an extended factory warranty at a good price should still be considered. An extended warranty that is very reasonable cost wise is a good thing. One that will cover damn near everything on the car for zero or fifty dollar deductiable is a good thing. I can also appreciate anyone even like myself being able to turn a wrench etc.
But really for a moment just think about it. You say your going to drop some miles on the car and enjoying it. Some of that driving could be long cross state etc. Are you on vacation or carrying your tools etc.? Opening the tool bag and going to a parts store while on vacation doesn't sound like a vacation to me. Anyone that buys a piece of mind coverage is not having their man card revoked anytime soon. I mean really.
Some one already mentioned in this thread about a nissan dealership in Santa Rosa, CA. They sell the nissan factory warranties that will not break the bank. Off the top of my head I think you might be able to purchase this warranty for 975 to 1150 that covers everything for 100,000 miles.
Cuurently a known steering lock problem is present on some cars out there right now. At this time Nissan doesn't see it as a recall. Some members here have mentioned repair/ part's will run 800 plus dollars. Not to mention these parts on back order at most dealerships. If that would be the case the rental cost or finding another car if needed while they are waiting for parts to fix your car etc., bummer! That one repair that pretty much would cover your purchase of an extended warranty and then some. Especially if your on vacation or out of town enjoying yourselves. In the end you make the call.