Last fall, i was cruising thru the local shopping area and saw a newer viper coming towards me the other way. we were both going no more than 5mph. when he rolls up beside me he looks over and goes "man that is a sweet car." i of course gave him a compliment to the same effect.
coming from a viper owner thats very satisfying
Also, me and tower were out cruising around a little while back and an suv was stopped beside us at a light ( i have my window cracked). i could see 2 girls hangin out the passenger window, probably about 12 years old, and i could hear them yelling; "woooahh. i want the silver one!". "No I like the black one!"
Nothing is better than seeing kids oooh and ahh over the car. I mean after all, isn't that why we all bought the cars in the first place. to satisfy that little kid inside us??
to be honest, i havent ever gotten any negative feedback about my car