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Old 08-16-2009, 02:20 PM   #25 (permalink)
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WOW lets have a little fun here....

Originally Posted by Pharmacist View Post
Beyond the badge is usually a jerk who was bullied in high school and is now trying to bully other citizens while hiding behind his badge and his authority.
Im in the process of becoming a cop. I wasnt bullied in high school and Im sure as hell not looking to bully other citizens "hiding" behind a badge. Your stereotype is pathetic. If I was looking forward to bullying someone then trust me, I would have no problem doing it without a badge.

Beyond the badge is a revenue generating monkey for the city whose main concern is trying to squeeze every dime out of innocent motorists just because they can't abide by archaic, outdated, and often illogical speed limit (never mind that the last people to obey the speed limit are the pigs themselves, whether on or off duty). Beyond the badge is a man who has no qualms about executing an illegal search of a car and violating civil liberties, just in case he gets lucky and bolster his resume with a drug bust or two. Beyond the badge is a guy who can't resist being a jerk, and insulting or mocking people for no reason other than his own amusement.
Once again your stereotype FAILS miserably just like you do. You're just being a whiny little bitch because you probably got a ticket for doing something wrong. I guess since Im going to be a cop Im a revenue generating monkey bla bla bla like you claim. Right, my reasoning is to get scum off the streets so people like YOU dont have to worry about getting mugged or killed everywhere they go. But I guess this will go in one ear and out the other since you feel all cops are out to get you. Just remember next time when you have a problem to deal with it yourself tough guy and dont call the cops to help out out with anything. Im sure you wont listen to that either because you're probably just a big mouth hiding behind a computer who has no guts to say that to an officers face.