Originally Posted by onzedge
Thanks for the comments. Very helpful, Mr. Kenchan (or whoever you are).

you're very welcome, mr.onzedge.
Originally Posted by Fire
Onze I see you have picked up on the "questionable" past of one Kenman. He seems very illusive as he posts thousands of times on here trying to throw people off his trail. My Sushi secrets will not be revealed to him.  Oh and Onze I'm sure you will be able to overcome your addiction. There is a 25 step program for it. Unfortunatelly Ken is incharge of it.
lol, step1 ~ step24 is eating cheeze fries dipping them one by one.
step25: take a 3hr power-nap, wake up and go home.
Originally Posted by IMWEZL
yeah they were $330 a piece, $28 each for mount and balance and an 8.5% SC tax
Funny thing I never noticed SC sales tax was 8.5% until now.
hahahaha, yah, tax does make a punch as the price gets bigger and bigger.
hey, a member here FIXED his RevB lock.

he took it apart and fixed the gear assembly that was seized. nissan's 'application of too much oil' is a bunch of BS. they have no production control.

he gave me permission to post his message on my DIY. scroll to the bottom.
anyway, im definitely going to fix mine when it fails. i will keep swapping it back and forth between my RevC and RevB. lol