Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
if you only knew what happened behind the scenes with last year's ZCON... your anger/confusion/malcontent would be redirected strait at the ZCCA. will did every single thing he could (from what i've heard, from very reliable sources) to make sure the event went smoothly. you have no idea what it ended up costing him, literally and figuratively. honestly, this sounds crappy but at least ya'll are getting trophies. i agree (again) that the whole trophy situation is ridiculous and needs to be completely revamped.
I've not doubt that the blame should fall right at the feet of Chris Karl and ZCCA.
Will and I talked at length, before the 2011 event, regarding what went wrong at Nashville and I trust him that he did everything possible to host a great event but I don't know what actually happened at the event because I didn't go to Savannah (nor will I ever again attend another ZCCA event).
This "trophy fiasco has now been an issue two years running...something is obviously VERY wrong. I don't know the root cause of the problem but there is no excuse for trophies being delivered months (or years) post event.
If things are getting so out of hand that a local club simply can't do a national convention well and/or without huge costs and/or without huge screw-ups at ZCCA then maybe it's time for the conventions and for ZCCA itself to end.
I attend several Z events every year all over the Eastern half of the U.S.and there is more than one of these events as good or better than the National Convention. Maybe ZCCA and National Conventions were needed 20+ years ago but they both may have quite possibly has reached the end of their usefulness.