Hi new guy here just thought I'd see if I could learn stuff about the Z. I Will be in the market later this year and not sure what to get but have ideas.
Co-worker has a 370z and tells me he likes it but says he's getting tired of it and thinking about trading it in for a Mustang so I don't know. I've read the Z has issues with overheating, a noisy engine at ^ rpm and a few other negatives but I've yet to drive one so I'll see.
I wasn't too thrilled with reading a recent Car & Driver comparison which basically stated the car was basically sub-par as far as being fun to drive and all it had for it was that it's pretty quick when it's not in the pitts after each lap from over-heating. I suppose I could get an oil cooler for ~$1000.00 or whatever a good one cost but that review from Car & Driver wasn't too encouraging

They had the Mustang, MX-5 and EVO X WAY ahead of it when it comes to handling / fun to drive although the Z posted the 2nd best time behind the Mustang. Guess I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be just another quick but not much fun or rewarding car to drive as Car & Driver put it. I'm test drive tomorrow so I'll see what I think soon enough.
I'm also considering a new MX-5, Boss 302, EVO X, CPO S2K.
My main thing is fun to drive I'm not too concerned with #'s as I don't race my daily drivers for a living or anything like that. I just want a good well balanced fun to drive car. Hopefully the Z turns out better than the review I read lol
Anyways hope everyone has a great day!