Originally Posted by kenchan
well the issue was more about pointing out if one had prior obligations like a mortgage. that's a completely different picture than just owning or leasing an economical $35K car and paying some rent. i didnt think it was fair to the op telling him wat he can or can't buy. he can decide for himself wat's right for him (i hope it's a him.  ). that was the intent of the post.
but in my world, car hobby starts from the house with garage, not the car.  i mean why have a nice car if you have to park it on the street or some apartment parking structure where wheels get stolen or doors keyed or watever that happens. if you have your own garage where you have access any time of the day, at least you can concentrate on the car, not fixing bs. i like progress, not rewinding to fix bs and waste time.  i dont have time for that. another reason why i have a backup steering lock already... i dont like down time.
and i had homemade pizza tonight.  charburgers and cheeze fries maybe friday.  hahaha
You could live in a gated apartment complex with controlled access
Works for me that my parents garage with all of my tools is only 30 mins away.
Bottom line is owning a home or renting should really have no bearing on whether or not you have a nice car.