I'm just trying to make sure I 100% understand the realities of paying for this car if I do decide to actually jump into one.
I've looked into the money-related stuff that I can see upfront (monthly payments, insurance, gas), all of which I'm ok with and could comfortably be paid. I keep noticing little things that I find are absurdly expensive for a car of this price, though (Granted, I've never owned a real sports car, so I have no idea what the norm is).
Right now I pay $30 for quality oil/filter to change my oil.. I see an oil change on this car is about $120. I'm assuming, although I admittedly haven't looked into it yet, that tires are outrageously expensive for this car and go quickly. What really caught my eye today, though, was someone mentioning replacing an O2 sensor at a cost of $500 for the sensor

(Recently replaced O2 sensor on my car = $120). It's seeming to me like OEM parts for this car (so far) are 4-5x more than what I pay for my car now. If that's the case, I'm not entirely sure I should be buying a car of this caliber right now.
So, just out of pure curiosity, have any of you guys had any mind-boggling maintenance/repairs on this car that you weren't expecting? I remember a while back seeing a nice used M3 at a local dealer and finding out that the owner traded it in for a cheap Honda because he couldn't afford the maintenance.. I don't want to be that guy!