Originally Posted by ChrisSlicks
I usually do 4 in combination with another.

Seems like the appropriate reaction to me...
Originally Posted by Mike
I think you will be fine on street pads and tires and without an oil cooler for a very first event. If you find you are comfortable enough to push the car to where fluid and pads were a factor, you would go into limp mode from oil cooling before you would kill the brakes.
Remember guys, this is a first time on track experience, she won't be pushing it.
Fixed, and that's comforting -- in a perverse sort of way.
Originally Posted by cossie1600
Bring the parts over and I will help you, takes 3 hrs to do everything
That's very generous of you to offer.
I have to say that the mixed reaction to the brakes question makes me inclined to change the pads and fluid. I can live without that kind of excitement. I just signed up for the April weekend, so I have time...