Originally Posted by engmontano11
True I agree, but now would you guys think the Fast Intentions Resonated HFC's would reduce the rasp? If so, how much would you guys think it will be reduced? Also, should I just go ahead and purchase the Fast Intentions Resonated HFC's or just the Normal Fast Intentions HFC's. Need some advice before I purchase them this week
I think you meant hfcs vs rtp?
Its really up to you. Your still gonna have rasp w both regardless. The hfc will eliminate mostly all but will restrict flow and power.Rtp will give you a bit more rasp(not much noticeable )and free up more power and flow. I personally like more power and flow. This car after awhile ALWAYS needs more power. You wont notice rasp until the higher revs anyway. Not everyone puts this dd to the pins every light to even notice. Thank god it doesnt sound like rice a roni.