Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee
Check the depth yourself before you jump and buy new tires. Any dealerships that I've ever been to tend to give some pretty bogus measurements.
Mine said that I had 2/32" on my last visit. I measured them myself and I had 2/32" on one groove, but I actually had 5 to 7/32" on most of the grooves.
Had a dealer tell me that my battery needed replacing and I drove for well over a year before I replaced it.
not sure about the tire situation but when i worked at the dealership, the battery testers they use are either not very accurate or have ESP in predicting batteries about to go dead. 9 times out of 10 they are right but every once in a while they are wrong. i'm not sure exactly what they use to gauge it but if it says the battery is faulty, it usually is. sounds like you were the 1/10 possibility in that case :P