Originally Posted by SS66
Thanks we have some of the same issues. I had thought about selling the Prelude to add something else but it has been a great car. We need to add a truck of some type. Its for those what if's around the house etc. I have been looking but the weather here in KC/KS has been so mild this year I have held back. I will need to do something soon. Maybe a clean looking beater type truck. If their is such a thing?
yah, i could really use a wagon or something sometimes. i go to my local music store to buy something for my instrument, i cant even carry it home in my G. or to homedepot... no go. can't even buy window blinds without measuring if i have enough space. gets old real quick.
so recently i just wait till the weekend and use my Fit. my wife uses the Fit during the week and she hardly uses on the weekends so it works out for us.