Originally Posted by Skeeterbop
This is pretty interesting. I had a 91 MR-2 turbo and it definitely had a bit of bump steer. I think this is more a case of the back end just getting a bit light though. Also the difference that Red_Zed got from ride height to full compression was only 1/32 not 1/16. So I do agree that there is some bump steer going on but it is barely an issue IMO at least in compression. What I would love to know is how much it changes in droop. My thought is that while it may not change much under compression, how much does it change when it is in droop after going over the bump and before it comes down and settles. I'll be getting a new set of tires in the next couple weeks and plan on getting the alignment redone. I'll try to see if they can find a way to get the suspension to a bit and see how it affects the suspension geometry.
No, it changes a lot more from rest to compressed than it does from unloaded to rest. It's not a linear relation.