Originally Posted by iceman21_23
i just cant believe how many people are still mad at this guy... he served his time he did wrong let him have a chance to prove him self... there are a lot of people in the nfl that have done worse.
they way i see it is yeah he did his time and he should be able to earn a living or whatever but the difference is the guy isnt going back to a job at the post office or walmart he is going into the NFL that generates its revenue from fans. they buy tix to see vick they buy vick jerseys ect... so it is a matter of public opinion and i do think the fans or non fans play a role in this and have a right to get mad. if he wanted to go live a private life thats one thing but signing right back to the NFL he is putting himself out there. your right players have countless drug charges no one cares. gun charges ehh . those i think are looked past as they are seen and dumb self destructive decisions. its different when the perception that the team leader the QB had a hand in torturing animals which most people are very sympathetic too.
so under that rationale i think the criticism and outcry is justified. im not a big NFL fan but if he had signed with the panthers i just like any other local fan would have the right to be upset or not with the team not buy his merchandise or attend games