Kenchan, Red_Zed, I'm learning a lot here but if I'm reading your posts correctly kenchan says it toes out under compression and Red_Zed says it toes in under compression. Pick one.
My butt-o-meter suggests that the rear suspension gains significant toe in as it compresses because the car smartly (more like abruptly) steps back in line as the suspension compresses as it lands on the far side off the bump. If the toe change is radical enough that it goes to a near zero toe or (worse) a toe out condition at full droop when it launches off the bump and then gains a lot of toe in on compression we might be onto something as such a behavior would cause the condition I seem to be concerned about.
2010 Brilliant Silver, Base w/Sport Package, AT7, Katzkin leather, upgraded audio and lots of Dynamat and a bunch of small stuff.
Last edited by Guard Dad; 01-25-2012 at 10:16 PM.