my story began a while back when i first started reading about the Z in auto magazines and how great it preformed, but mind you when i first saw the pictures i didnt think it was that attractive, but when i went to a dealer to just check it out first hand that whole mindset flipped a complete 180 degrees. i said to myself i gotta get this car. technically i never had "my own car" i always drove our extra house hold car which was a 07 Navigator or sometimes my brothers 08 Maxima. so when i saw this Z i said it was time to buy my own car. so then i started to shop around an didnt no where since i couldnt find the color, package, and price i wanted,then i gave up looking for a couple weeks then i realized one of our family friends works at a nissan dealer an he hooked me up. 5 days later after i gave him a call the car was delivered to my house.