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Old 01-25-2012, 01:13 AM   #31 (permalink)
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gsxr750 will become famous soon enough

Leasing is a fools game, you are far better off to simply buy the car out right at the best deal you can get and then drive it for 3-4 years. Then sell it off yourself as the dealer would, dealers love leases due to the high dollar amount they charge.

What the dealer does is charge you a very high montly payment plus a non refundable down payment and then sells the car for top dollar as a 3 yr, low mileage lease.

The only way it makes sense to lease a vehicle is if you have your own bussiness and you can buy it for bussiness use a deduct the lease payment as a bussiness expense.

Now do the math on the lease listed below.
$42195 msrp = $4050.72 dealer mark up, you could buy this car for $39,000

Lease option = $26,286 payment x $674 times 39 months. Now add your required down payment and taxes. Also the additional charges the dealer always hits you up with to recondition the car for resale. Every little stain, paint chip, brake wear, tire wear etc.

For an additional $11,824 you could buy the car out right and save the additional $10,000 the dealer is making off you at the end of the lease plus the dealer mark up. you can see that the dealer is making at least $11,500 off you for leasing the car that is pure profit and if you decide not to buy the car at the end of the lease, the dealer will then sell to someone else for around $26k-$29k

2011 Roadster Touring: $42195 MSRP
$39575 selling price
$23207 residual
12000 miles allowed/year
$674/ month X 39 months
First payment and tag due at signing ($889.71)

Last edited by gsxr750; 01-25-2012 at 01:18 AM.
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