Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
i know they are awesome, my friend's mom had one that i did a photoshoot of (the car, not the mom  ) and i was duly impressed. i had almost completely ruled against getting german cars. i definitely do not want a BMW or Mercedes. what i like about the S4 is the awesome seats, the v8-in-the-smallest-car-we-make packaging and the awesome AWD which will be nice in inclement weather. did you own one? if so, what were your experiences with it?
Dude, I know I have said this before but, "don't get a VW!" My brother-in-law went to the special VW tech school outside of Chicago. He worked on them for 2 years and couldn't take all the stupid engineering and electrical problems. And that only starts some of my stories about how awful VWs are. They look cool but it's not worth the headache. Definitely stick with the G35/G37.