Well as it says under my name there "hates VDC", although i crashed this car because it was off i still find my self reaching for that button every time i start the car, weird, and if i forget it at some times i can feel how sluggish the car moves and shurley after few yards i cant resist but to turn it off. Damn you nissan egineers why did you have to make such a powerful car? Why oh why....er what? The engine is still supressing power? how come i dont get this info before i type this in now i have go and change it all.
AAaagghh....ef it.
P.S. What the heck is SRM??...Oh its that little button right next to my shifting stiky thingy i never use what was it created for again???
Kids don't do Drugs, Drugs are bad, so let the professional druggies do Drugs for you. 537whp/496lb/tq@8-9PSI 93 octane
Last edited by DOOMMONKEY777; 01-24-2012 at 11:50 AM.