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Old 01-24-2012, 08:21 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Investment opportunities in healthcare

Hey Z family. I have a few investment opportunities for anyone who is interested. I am not a broker and I'm sure these businesses will have their own attorneys drawing up the necessary paperwork for anyone that decides that want to go forward with either opportunity. I personally have invested in medical practices and they are generally safe because Doctors will always be able to find work and always find a way to pay back money they borrowed. Plus, having them personally guarantee the loan is usually never a problem and encourages them to pay loan payments on time. Its a great alternative to the stock market! Anyway, if you want more info, I can forward you specific information about the businesses and arrange a conference call with the healthcare provider so you can conduct your own due diligence. Financials are available if you require them.

1. Texas cardiology practice. Solo cardiologist grosses about 100-110k per month. Changed billing service and has not been able collect from medicare for the last 30 days. Has to update software/hardware and has overhead of about 50k per month. He needs about 90 days of operating capital, plus an additional 50k for updating his hardware and software components. He expressed that he is willing to pay 12 percent interest over 12 months with the first payment paid to investor 30 days after loan inception. He is looking for 200k.

2. Texas Home Health / Rehab Company. This company is looking to acquire another home health company in a different geographical area. There's potential ownership if you are interested. Currently, they own and operate 3 separate healthcare businesses between Dallas and San Antonio. They have about 3 million dollars in assets and gross about 150k per month in revenue. The CEO is an RN/MSN and has been a Home Health business owner since 1995. She has expressed that she is looking for 150k to buy out another agency. She is willing to pay 12 percent over 12 months with the first payment paid to investor 30 days after loan inception.

3. Texas Pulmonology practice. This Pulomonologist is looking to expand his practice to perform "Smoking Cessation" coaching. Wellness services in healthcare are going to be big in the future I think. He is looking for a small space to lease to provide a "classroom" like area to perform group visits. He said that performing these group visits, 3 times a week, could increase his revenue by almost 25%. Currently, he is generating about 90k per month with about 40k in overhead. He is looking for 125k to lease space, buy office equipment, marketing and hire staff. He estimates it will take him about 60 days to start generating revenue. He is willing to pay 10 percent interest with a 6 month term.

I get leads like this all the time. I'll keep posting them here as long as there is an interest. Thanks!

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Last edited by RoadZter; 01-24-2012 at 08:24 AM.
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