Originally Posted by MJB
I have RevC on my Z which has a build date of July 09. I'm assuming the previous owner ran into this same problem and had the newer locking mechanism installed. Sucks for him but  for me, as I was about to fork over $500 to get the latest version as a precaution.
You should be fine with Version C, but if it does fail you'll be looking for blood... and $500 is a steal if you can get it. You'll be installing it yourself for that price. - I'm just sorry for all the people who have to deal with this.. it's not like a flat tire...
And with any manufacturer your gonna have problems.. It's just how they resolve it which will keep you as a repeating customer.. Of course if a company can't get their **** together like FORD, GM, CHRYSLER they will fall in sales. The good ole Government (Tax Payer) will bail them out... Now it's the Jap's turn to lower standards to compete with companies who should have failed. Nothing like having your tax dollars prop up rusting metal so the better product (Jap Cars) falls into 2nd place... - I know Nissan and the like get Government money, but not at the level the Big 3 eminem 8 mile Hemi garbage barge companies do. They just figured it out late in the game.. MAKE A BETTER CAR... AND PEOPLE WILL CONTINUALLY BUY IT.. oh and tell others as well!
Take care.. sorry for the rant... It just sucks!
oh and m4a1mustang - Nice Cruze... Very sharp car!