Originally Posted by kenchan
chrisslicks, wstar, vaugnanabe - there's a member that posted this on another thread in the maintenance forum about his steering lock failure. wat strikes me is he could start the car with a faulty steering lock using his remote start.. just shuts off when the remote starter hands off controls back to the car when he steps on the brake.
do you think you can use a remote starter's signal to trick the BCM in this case??? that 'microprocessor' you guys were talking about earlier.. 
With my car starter I ended up driving home going 5mph without using my brakes... i was 5 minutes away from home at a gas station..I had my friend in front of me and my brother in law behind me....comin up to a red light i downshifted and let it coast goin like 2mph and then emergency brake. I was goin to drop it off at the dealership at 2am that morning when no cars was out but my windows wont go back up and didnt want to leave the car there with my windows down...

Its now sitting in my garage. The dealership is 10 minutes away from my house..should I make a attempt again driving there or just fork up the money for a tow truck