The price you paid isn't to bad if you really wanted the car and it was in perfect condition. As most of the dealers here in Las Vegas are scumbags to deal with, I'm originally from NY and there is no end to the scams dealers try here out west. The nissan dealer up here tried to charge me an extra $1000 for set up and destination and adverstising which is already built into the MSRP already and $450 for documents fee. I had to pay the $450 doc fee but had the price of the car reduced by $450 and I didn't pay the additional $1000 dealer BS charge. Basically at the dealers money talks and BS walks, if you got the funds, you can name your own price as long as the dealer walks way with $500-$1000.
Basically the dealer made about $4000 off you for a used car and my dealer only made $960 on my new 12 370z with sport package manual, $36800 OTD price.
In this example you can see that its always better to buy new than used, specially from a dealer. only buy used if its from family, friends or someone you trust privately.
Last edited by gsxr750; 01-23-2012 at 12:54 AM.