Originally Posted by lando76
Can this be right
Ok say a stock 370Z puts down 258 hp to the wheels, and its rated at 332 hp to the flywheel. Easy math says thats a 74 hp loss which is 22.5%. That seems like alot for a rear wheel drive car to lose that much through the drivetrain. Now if it were AWD then I would believe it. Is Nissan fudging there numbers HMMMMMMMMM. 
I know when there are 90deg turns involved, there is a power loss - so, most of that is accounted for in the rear diff as it goes from the driveshaft to the rear axles.
I don't remember the percentages though - it's somewhere around 15-25%, so 22.5 isn't out of the norm, I'd think...
My bike is that way - it has a 90 for the drive shaft from the engine, and another in the final drive for about a 30% loss.