Originally Posted by ZCarMan
I think I may have to just get the newer part and replace my old one before I have this problem. I've contacted Nissan North America and added my two cents to the whole deal and will wait for my standard, "We appreciate your email but we recommend you take your Nissan to your local Nissan Service Department to address any issues". I also confirmed with the dealer I purchased my Z from that they have had one person come in with this problem. He confirmed no TSB is out on this. Great DIY Kenchan, I'll be using it to replace my part.
yep, until there is official word from nissan i think it is wise to replace at least the security screws to regular screws and keep a back up steeringlock in the car.

at least that way you can easily replace it with a wrench you'd keep in the car. i have a socket and mini ratchet in the trunk with the factory RevB steering lock which has had no issue thus far (8k miles on the car). my droidx can serve as flashlight. i downloaded an app where it makes the camera flash a flashlight.
the angled nose pliers to remove the security bolts is pretty clumsy to do even in a controlled environment..and would be VERY clumsy to do if out in the field in bad weather.
Originally Posted by ZForce
Cold weather may be a cause to the failures. Has anyone polled failed users what time of the season they failed?
IIRC: the failed Rev C member, had his fail on a day when the temps did not get higher than 40-49 degrees.
Both Z's are 2009 models and both have about 35k miles on them.
My Z: mfg date 01/09
Part # JF00B-B1-01
35k mi
The bros Z": mfg date 10/08
Part # JF00A-B1-01
35k mi
No failure yet, fingers crossed.
zforce- i think battery charge level (and age of battery) might have an effect on this. and colder weather impacts cca. 3yrs is about the time when the stock battery starts to degrade under 'normal' use.
'normal' as in battery not hooked up to battery manager when car is not in use for more than a week. we know that this member was out vacationing a week prior... i wonder if his car was placed on a battery manager or one of his kids drove it around while he was out..? might be a good question to ask.
in my case my Z is hooked up to my battery manager when i know she will not be driven for more than a few days. i use the 'battery tender' sold at amazon. they're only like $25 shipped and worth every penny. im still running factory battery from 8yrs ago on my G. cold start at 3F is no issue.

i plug in the G every Friday night since i dont use the car over the weekend. my 22 mile round trip commute is not enough to charge the battery to full.