Originally Posted by kenchan
chrisslicks, wstar, vaugnanabe - there's a member that posted this on another thread in the maintenance forum about his steering lock failure. wat strikes me is he could start the car with a faulty steering lock using his remote start.. just shuts off when the remote starter hands off controls back to the car when he steps on the brake.
do you think you can use a remote starter's signal to trick the BCM in this case??? that 'microprocessor' you guys were talking about earlier.. 
My guess is that the remote starter in his case is wired in post BCM and IPDM (as I described in a previous post about a racing style setup), and they are instead sending signals directly to the ignition and starter relays. The remote starter is also wired into the brake switch on auto's and clutch switch on manuals as an anti-theft mechanism to prevent the car from being driven while on remote start mode. You could remove these wires if you didn't care about that aspect. So there is no BCM or IPDM trickery, just a complete bypass. When the BCM is back in control of the starting operation it says no go as the steering lock is stuck.
Given the frequency that these lock issues are starting to occur it might be time to start putting pressure on Nissan for a recall. Obviously they aren't going to do it voluntarily given that it is an expensive part. We could set up a petition and send it to Nissan or everyone that has had a failure can submit a complaint to NHTSA. If successful they are usually back dated so anyone that has paid for a replacement outside of warranty has an opportunity to get reimbursed.