Thread: Z Broke Down :(
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Old 08-13-2009, 06:03 PM   #244 (permalink)
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earwicker7 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
As much as I'd love to throw a cover over the car when I get it...I work downtown at a criminal justice center...still waiting on my parking garage permit and from the looks of things, it'll be a long time to go yet before its given to me. You'd think that working at the hub, and with officers coming and going left and right it'd be safe enough...but you'd be surprised how many cars have been broken into on the lot, in the garage, and on the street.

If I cover that car up, its just begging for someone to take a closer look. Best I can do is have a state of the art alarm system ready for install on purchase, and park next to a squad car whenever possible

On the plus side...the contacts you make with said officers really do benefit you on the street...cough cough cough.
Talk to the cops, they'll tell you that a cover is far more effective than an alarm system. Research shows that thieves want to get in and out as fast as possible (most thieves don't look at how valuable something is, but how easy it would be to get away with), and a custom car cover can't just be ripped off, as they fit like a glove. Even knowing that it would only take them 15-20 seconds to get it off is a MAJOR turn-off to them.

Also, keep in mind that car alarms were great back when nobody had them, but nowadays they are virtually useless in crowded areas. Sure, if you live out in the middle of nowhere, you'll notice your car alarm going off in the middle of the night. But nobody pays any attention to a car alarm going off in a parking lot because they know that, 99.9% of the time, it got set off by someone with heavy feet walking by. I know that at our building, car alarms are routinely ignored unless they don't shut down after a minute or so (at which point everyone hates whomever the owner is for an hour).
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