Originally Posted by fritz
That was a lot of good advice, thank-you ... but i'd still like an old lock to play with.
What do racers do about this "lock" nonsense ?
Maybe Chrisslicks had the answer within the push button switch:
Sooo, I can turn off accessories myself so do not even need the "lock" mode on the ign/start button. "Accessories" will do fine.
Can that "lock" mode be deleted easily?
(It's then easy to fit an ignition or fuel pump delete switch..hidden)
To remove the stock starter button would be a bit of work, the button in the stock setup is just a contact closure which sends the press signal to the BCM, the BCM decides what "state" the car should be in, e.g. ACC, ON or START and sends a start request to the IPDM via the CAN bus. The IPDM turns the ignition relay on, and turns the starter relay on. When the BCM feedback determines that the engine is running it sends a stop signal to the IPDM for the starter relay. It seems like it should be possible to just re-wire the relay's to manual toggle switches/buttons instead of the IPDM, same for the fuel pump relay. I think you would also have to deactivate the vehicle security system using UpRev. If you did that then the steering lock could be removed as the BCM would be out of the loop for startingthe car. The BCM might be unhappy, but to what degree I'm not sure. I guess it depends to what degree you need auxiliary systems like windows etc.