Originally Posted by Gaiiden
You do know how much a clutch costs right? Why would you tell people to dump a clutch all the time when driving normally? Unless my understanding of clutch dumping is wrong, that will tear it up a lot faster. A  might have been nice at the end of this to stop people who don't know from following your "advice"
I'll agree with everyone saying to ease out at 1500rpm into first and go slow into second. It just takes some getting used to, although I still get caught sometimes and jerk around a bit. Sometimes I just wind out 1st gear up to 5k to make shifting to 2nd easier. Plus it sounds awesome :P
Seriously if you don't realize that reving your car to red line and dumping the clutch isn't tounge in cheek as a solution for a jerky start then you shouldn't be driving a car! No smilie need on that one.... Can you imagine someone taking that advice seriously? Come on..... Every light doing a massive burn out?
No offense to any of the posters but its pretty basic driving here to get the car to pull away without jerking. Its not the car - its the driver not adjusting to a new vehicle. Once you spend a little time with the car you'll figure out how to use the clutch and shift properly.