Been offline for a week. Update: thanks Mr. onzedge for posting up some pics of Z's in your backyard. What are a bunch of guys with Z's doing there??? Z1 25 row oil cooler installation on mine and the red Z. All went well, only mishap was overfilling the belly with about 7/8th of a quart of oil. The boys did very well, top notch installation and I would not hesitate recommending them in the future. Pass the word. Enjoy the islands !!
Originally Posted by onzedge
A Motley Crew with ZForce's Z.

Just in case anyone was wondering WTH is this pic of a front end of a Z. It's my awesome front fang black out. One of a kind! Plus the beastly stance, sport wheels on 20mm rolling on 265's. And finally the clean headlamp housing. Led parking lights and turn signals with no egg yokes. Very clean.
Originally Posted by onzedge
ZForce's Z.

Originally Posted by onzedge
A backyard shot with ZForce et al:

Runs like a champ and still testing the oil temps and when the mocal kicks in to adjust the block off plate and get a correct reading false reading on the gauge.
Happy Sunday to all and enjoy today's NFL games. If I was a gambling man I would have made a mint off my choices yesterday to win - 49's and the Pats. Today my picks are the Giants and Ravens. If Giants win then the 49's get home field when they play them. Quote of the day "The Grab".
Today: drove the filthy, dirty old lady to the movies.