Here you are these are the outputs that go to the speakers. I am working on the signal diagrams now. What you can do with these diagrams is well a lot. You can install a JL clean sweep, tap into the sub wires for a MTX RE-Q for your sub, or use the speaker wire codes to cut them from the bose system and hook up a aftermarket crossover for your new speakers. "makes sure to disconnect the factory one that is in the door or before the wires enter the door" I am still working the rest out so please give me some time. Enjoy!

I have not yet figured out what the L stands for what color so bare with me on that note as well.
This is the main harness that comes out of your bose amp.
Also from what I have seen the wiring is exactly the same for the bose model with nav
Front Left
#4 L? +
#5 Violet -
Front Right
#8 Orange +
#5 Violet -
Left Tweeter
#6 Light Green +
#7 Green -
Right Tweeter
#27 White +
#37 Blue -
Rear Left
#1 L? +
#10 Purple -
Rear Right
#2 Light Green +
#3 Yellow -
Sub "Also found at the Bose Sub Amp"
#9 Sky Blue +
#14 Violet -
Behind Head unit
#7 L + ACC Power
#9 Red +
#8 White - Illumination
#19 Constant 12 Volt
#16 L + Steering Switch Signal B
#15 Blue - Steering Switch Signal Ground
#24 White +
#30 Blue - Steering Switch Signal A
#20 Green + Streering Wheel Switch Signal A