Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
Well it really isn't very difficult to keep under control. Just check your oil regularly and top off as needed. Eventually you'll know what is normal for your specific car and it will become second nature.
I burned maybe 3/8ths of a quart in almost 1500 miles. At this rate I might burn a full quart in 4500 miles... not that big of a deal. I just need to make sure I keep a supply of Redline on hand.
I do think it's important that this issue is raised, though. There are going to be a lot of new owners coming from cars that don't really burn any oil... they aren't going to know that they need to be checking levels regularly and could use a little nudge in the right direction.
No you should'nt have to top off your oil this often. My MX5 is a "revvy" motor but it does not consume anyoil, of course I don't rev to redline some here do all the time.