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Old 08-12-2009, 05:21 PM   #74 (permalink)
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I didnt read anyone saying this but stock to stock the 370 Z outperforms the EVO X in the straights and on track. Now modded thats the EVO's game to win in terms of performance per dollar ratio. Z just cant compete with that until Nissan decides to give it a factory turbo motor.

Also doesnt the Z have the advantage of runing higher hp with pump gas due to bigger displacement? Small advantage I know I love both these cars so I wont put down either. Looks are subjective but I like the 370z better although I ran a guy with a white X and with his tasteful mods I couldnt keep my eyes off of it. Performance-wise, modded, my wallet would prefer the EVO for ease of modding to exotic beating levels. Z can do just about everything the EVO can do mod for mod but the Z will cost you much more for similar performance.

I just dont see how either side could disrespect the other. Both cars are at the top of the food chain in there class, both stock and modded. Id be happy with either car, though if I did get a X Id suffer from extreme butt envy whenever I saw a 370z from the rear. I love that big, wide buttocks.
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