Originally Posted by Rooster89
The Arms room in my old unit is where we put the Sh1tb@gs. Nothing was ever done right. but even so it put a bad taste in my mouth. The gas rings failed in iraq. luckily it failed during qualification on a fob, but it was down range nonetheless. I was part of DART(downed aircraft recovery team) so you can imagine how that felt.
Yea, it would be interesting. Durability is more important to the military than me personally, because I don't plan on abusing my weapon. I already have a plinker, that takes up most of my rounds fired.
What benefits do you feel DI has that piston doesn't? besides price...because thats the biggest one I see. and it is a big one.
Besides, I am willing to bet you probably know more about your chevy and my ford than I do. 
-The recoil impulse in DI is softer.
-DI suppresses better, and with a switchblock or properly sized gas-port for the application, runs cleaner.
-DI is lighter.
-DI has less parts to go wrong.
-DI is what the system was made for, and the forces on the BCG do not induce carrier tilt and wear to the buffer tube and other areas, nor necessitate the tightening of tolerances by adding rings to the BC and whatnot to prevent such.