Originally Posted by invazn
I bet I can click a paddle 3 times before you even depress the clutch pedal all the way down.  Preference is hardly a benefit. I assumed you meant something more objective.
I bet you can click the paddle more than 3 times before I can press the clutch. But do you think the car is going to shift gears every time you click when you click really fast? You have a rough realization ahead of you. You may click it 6 times in less than 2 seconds but it will still only drop one gear haha. It doesnt just drop gears as soon as you press it.... ALL tranmissions have delay.
Awww come on AK
I understand though, I'm just being informational. Other people are going to catch this thread and benefit from the information.
Everyone should always buy what they want, but I'd rather make them think I'm an *** now and be well informed, than for them to buy something on wrong information and be stuck with a car they dont enjoy.
Why must things escalate to arguments when we were all just having a nice chat...