I will start, I think this is my new favorite beer!
Typically, I am not a bock guy, and this wonderful brew blew away....by not blowing me away. See, I think the reason I am not a big bock drinker is because they can downright overpowering in flavor. I don't like to sip a sledge hammer. Balance is the most important value to me in brewing and this is just so well balanced. This is almost too balanced for me to consider it a bock.
Its more malty than hoppy. But its still more hoppy than most bocks. It pours like copper in sunset light with red hints in color. Its not smokey per say, but definitely toasty. It seems to strike that perfect balance of full body while not being a loaf of bread in a bottle. Tiniest hints of fruit stop by for a short visit just to let you know that they were there at one point. Towards the end the nuts and spices smooth out the horizon and let you pretend that don't live in a city with a loud Hmong family living above you but are sitting on a porch, looking at your own back 40 acres.
The head is like a cream from a much maltier beer than what lies underneath in this glass.
9/10 overall
9/10 appearance
9.5/10 taste
8/10 mouth feel
6/10 aroma (due to not having the right type of glass for this bock, I can't judge this one accurately thus leaving it out of the average for the overall score)